For New Researchers to the Raine Study, here’s a brief overview to get you started:
Read the Researcher Engagement Policy:
The Researcher Engagement Policy (REP) contains crucial information on principles, conditions, and rules guiding your interaction with our study resources as well as providing proposed costs associated with utilising the Raine Study data. This document is a ‘live document’ and will be reviewed regularly and updated as required. Please find the REP here.
Visit resource pages:
- Available Data: Gain an understanding of our data resources.
- Cohort Consultation: It is expected researchers set up cohort consultations involving participant representatives to help develop project proposals.
- Project Costing: Peruse the Estimated Data Access Fee flowchart to understand the cost associated with the project proposal.

Contact the Scientific Management Committee (SMC):
Reach out via this link to the Raine Study team by email with the following details:
- Short summary of your proposed work including the data or biosamples you would like to use or collect.
- Primary affiliation of the lead investigator.
- Type of project (i.e. grant application, student project, research proposal not related to grant application).
- Confirm your preferred email address.
Expressions of Interest (EoI): Researchers required to submit a grant/fellowship EoI that proposes the use of Raine Study data should contact the Raine Study to discuss the project idea as part of the pre-application process. If the researcher successfully moves into the full grant/fellowship application stage, a project application needs to be submitted (Step 2).
Raine Online Submission System (ROSS) Account Setup:
ROSS is an online portal that streamlines project application management, making it easier for researchers to submit necessary information, obtain project approvals, and manage data and/or biosamples requests.
Once you’ve contacted the SMC, you will be set up with an account using your preferred email address and you can proceed to Step 2: Project Application in ROSS.
For Returning Raine Study Researchers:
Please re-read the Researcher Engagement Policy (REP) and proceed to Step 2. Find the REP here.
Thank you for being a part of our research community. We look forward to furthering our collaborative efforts for advancements in health research.
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