Raine Study

Raine Study participants who took part in research that involved overnight sleep studies and craniofacial 3D photography have played a crucial role in research into obstructive sleep apnoea.

Published in the April issue of the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine and led by Raine Study Director Profesor Peter Eastwood, the study showed that facial features analysed from 3D photographs could predict the likelihood of a person having obstructive sleep apnoea.

Peter said that by using 3D photography, the study found that geodesic measurements — the shortest distance between two points on a curved surface — predicted with 89 per cent accuracy which patients had sleep apnoea. Using traditional 2D linear measurements alone, the algorithm’s accuracy was 86 per cent.

The study involved 300 individuals with varying severity levels of sleep apnoea and 100 people without sleep apnoea drawn from a local hospital and participants of the Raine Study.

For more information visit https://aasm.org/study-suggests-3d-face-photos-could-be-sleep-apnea-screening-tool

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