Cornel Scheibling is part of our Gen1 cohort and also a member of the Raine Study Community Advisory Committee.
The Community Advisory Committee is made up of participants from the Gen1 and Gen2 cohorts and it is their role to provide input and a community perspective into Raine Study activities.
Cornel also represents the Community Advisory Committee on the Raine Management Committee, so continues to dedicate a lot of his time to the Raine Study – thanks Cornel!
We had a quick chat with Cornel recently to ask him about his experience with the Raine Study over the last 27 years.
What made you sign up to the Raine Study all those years ago?
The study appeared to be worthwhile and given the focus at the time on how ‘outside influences’ could affect health, I thought it would be something good to be part of – especially if it found results that would make a difference.
I had three young children at the time, so research into child health was especially important to me.
Describe your experience with the Raine Study over the years?
The Raine Study has been carried out professionally and maintained my interest over the years. My original perception of the positive nature of the study has been affirmed with the research and results I have seen.
What have you personally been involved in over the years?
I have supported any studies that, as a father of a Gen2 participant, I have needed to be involved in. I have also encouraged my daughter to maintain contact and be involved.
Recently I was involved in the sleep and eye studies for Gen1.
Why do you see the Raine Study as so important?
Simply because research is what changes and improves health matters.
Finally, why did you put your hand up to be part of the Community Advisory Committee?
In part, to help repay the study for its great work by helping out, but also to learn more about the results and research being undertaken with the data collected by the Raine Study.