Jessie Appleyard is part of our Gen2 cohort and is also the Chair of the Raine Study Community Advisory Committee.
The Community Advisory Committee is made up of participants from the Gen1 and Gen2 cohorts and it is their role to provide input and a community perspective into the Raine Study activities.
We had a quick chat with Jessie recently to ask her about his experience with the Raine Study throughout her whole life.
The Raine Study has been part of your life, what does it mean to you? Why do you keep participating?
For me, being part of the Raine Study means that I have the opportunity to contribute to the health and wellbeing of future generations. I keep participating because I want to do anything I can to help make the world a better place in any way that I’m able to.
What has your experience with the Raine Study been over the years?
I’ve always been excited to be in the study, but over the years, my reasoning for the excitement has changed. When I was younger, it was getting a day off school!
But as I’ve grown up, I feel honestly very lucky to be able to contribute to research and understanding of public health in such a unique way. My mum was always good at encouraging me to participate, but I can’t honestly think of a time when I didn’t want to do any of the follow ups, because even though I’ve not always realised the magnitude of the study, I’ve always understood that it was something important.
Why do you see the Raine Study as important?
This study is so unique. And I don’t think a lot of people realise the potential of what the Raine Study has to offer, not only to our immediate communities but to the world as well.
What has been your most memorable Raine Study moment over the years?
My most memorable moment in the Raine Study was having the honour to speak at Professor Fiona Stanley’s retirement symposium. She is honestly such an inspiring woman who is truly passionate and driven in improving public health.
Why did you choose to be part of the Community Advisory Committee?
I’ve been part of the various feedback groups for the Raine Study since I was 11 but this particular committee is important to me because it’s about how we can keep this amazing thing going. It’s such a valuable resource and I want the Raine Study to be around for as long as possible.