About the Raine Study

Recent Completed Studies

Gen2-28 year follow up (Vision and Vessels)

May 2022: Data collection for this study of our Generation 2 cohort (the original Raine Study babies) has been completed. This follow-up had three aims:

  1. To continue collecting the same core data as we did in previous follow-ups, to help us examine changes in your health and development over the years.
  2. To assess artery function and health and to identify factors that are associated with impaired artery function.
  3. To identify the genetic and environmental factors that are associated with eye health.

The outcomes of this study will help us to understand factors that influence the health of blood vessels and eyes. The data might also allow us to better understand how the health of your blood vessels and the eyes might predict your future health.

What it involved

Vessel Health assessment:

Vision Health assessment:



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