Behavioural and neuropsychological outcomes in children exposed in utero to maternal labour epidural analgesia

Isik OG, Junaid S, Guo L, Lackraj D, Landau R, Miles CH, Pennell C, von Ungern Sternberg BS, Whitehouse AJO, Li G, Ing C. 2024 British Journal of Anaesthesia. doi: 10.1016/j.bja.2024.02.036

Publication date: 2024

Keywords: behaviour, labour epidural analgesia, neurodevelopment, neurotoxicity, obstetric anaesthesia

What is already known about this subject:

  • Recent studies report conflicting results regarding the relationship between labour epidural analgesia (LEA) in mothers and neurodevelopmental disorders in their offspring.
  • We evaluated behavioural and neuropsychological test scores in children of mothers who used LEA.

What this study adds

  • Although LEA exposure was associated with slightly higher total behavioural scores, there was no difference in subscores, increased risk of clinical deficits, or dose-response relationship.
  • These results argue against LEA exposure being associated with consistent, clinically significant neurodevelopmental deficits in children.
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