Facilitated Workshop for Early & Mid-Career Researchers, South Metro Health Service

One of the Raine Study’s strategic priorities for 2021 has been to increase levels of knowledge about and access to the breadth of Raine Study data that is available to researchers in Western Australia and beyond. Following a successful workshop for early and mid-career researchers in June at the QEII Medical Centre/Harry Perkins Institute, the Raine Study was invited by the WA Department of Health’s South Metropolitan Health Service to run a similar event at Fiona Stanley Hospital which took place on Friday 3 December 2021.

This invite-only event was designed to give young reseachers the opportunity to work with members of the Raine Study scientific management team. Each attendee had the opportunity to workshop an early concept for use of Raine Study data into a feasible plan on a page, helping them take their first steps as a Raine Study researcher.

Who attended:
A total of 13 early and mid-career researchers attended, from South Metropolitan Health Services, Curtin University, Edith Cowan University and Murdoch University. (Curtin, ECU and Murdoch are all funding partners of the Raine Study and are represented on the Raine Study’s governing UJV Board.)

What they did:
Attendees took part in a Concept Development Workshop –  ‘Come with an idea; leave with a plan’. The idea was that these researchers, all new to the Raine Study, would have the opportunity to discuss their research project ideas, to meet potential collaborators and, supported by the facilitators/speakers, refine their ideas so as to leave with a clear plan.

Each researcher was asked to tell us in advance what they were interested in broadly and the Raine Study’s science team sent them individual links to the data we have that related to their interests. They were asked to check those data holdings out in preparation for the workshop.

Researchers from the Raine Study present at a workshop held in partnership with the South Metro Health Service

During the workshop, attendees were guided through the sections of a research plan, workshopping their ideas with presenters and other attendees. Attendees then took it in turns to speak about their research plans to the whole group who asked questions to help them refine their thinking.

Workshop goals:
– Provide a more in-depth understanding of the Raine Study data and how to access it
– Understand how a research idea can translate into a successful study
– Workshop a preliminary idea into a ‘plan on a page’
– Broaden attendee perspectives by engaging with other attendees and their research
– Meet potential collaborators and supporters
– Meet the Raine Study team
– Leave with the first step towards a funding application

Professor Anna Nowak – Pro Vice Chancellor (Health and Medical Research), UWA
Professor Romola Bucks – Director, The Raine Study
Associate Professor Rebecca Glauert – Scientific Director, The Raine Study
Dr Koya Ayonrinde – Gastroenterologist/Clinician Researcher, Fiona Stanley Hospital
Dr Juliana Zabatiero – Scientific Manager, The Raine Study
Blagica Penova-Veselinovic – Scientific Support Officer, The Raine Study
Alex D’Vauz – Data and Biosamples Manager, The Raine Study
Diane Wood – Follow-up Manager & Participant Engagement Coordinator, The Raine Study

Future opportunities:
The Raine Study leadership and team members are always interested in meeting new researchers as well as talking to existing Raine Study researchers who might want to explore new ways of working with us. If you’re looking for inspiration, check out these testimonials from  researchers who have worked closely with us over the last 10 years, whose careers have been positively impacted as a result.

Further details about opportunities for all levels of researcher to work with the Raine Study can be found in the For Researchers section of our website, or contact the Raine Study Science team at any time.

An example of the Plan on a page format used at the workshop


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