The Raine Study has a wealth of data collect across 30+ years.
The Raine Study boasts a wealth of data accumulated over 17 follow-ups, focused around Gen2, the Original Raine Study babies. From early pregnancy through 33 years of age, comprehensive information has been gathered about Gen2 children, initially from Gen1 parents and then from the Gen2 children as they entered adolescence, covering a spectrum of data
- Questionnaires
- Clinical assessments
- Biological samples*
- Antenatal blood
- Cord blood
- Milk teeth
- Saliva
- Urine
*Whilst biosamples are available, there is a temporary suspension on requesting access for historically collected samples. Should you wish to access these, please email with a brief outline of your request.
Follow-ups for Gen2 participants occurred pre-birth (18 weeks and 34 weeks or gestation) and at key stages: birth, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 14, 17, 18, 20, 22, 25 27, and 28 years of age. These follow-ups are denoted by numbers corresponding to the average age of Gen2 participants during the study. For example, the Gen2-22 year follow-up captured data when Gen2 participants were 22 years old, while the Gen2-27 year follow-up was conducted when Gen2 participants reached 27.
Gen1 parents contributed valuable information at pre-natal, perinatal, and 12 follow-ups until Gen2-17 follow-up.
The ongoing Generations Follow-Up, initiated in April 2023, encompasses the collection of data from Gen1, Gen2, as well as data from Gen3, the offspring of Gen2 participants and the other biological parent, Gen2B, currently being recruited into the Raine Study. Limited information has been gathered from Gen0 and Gen3 participants as part of specialised sub-studies.
How to find the data you need:
Below you can find complete variable list for Gen1 and Gen2 which presents variable names and labels for all follow-ups combined in one large spreadsheet. These variable lists can be used to see what we have collected over the years.
You can also find information for each follow-up, including the main participant questionnaire (with variable names), the physical assessment proforma (with variable names), and any additional questionnaires collected during each follow-up
How to access data:
Please follow the Project Application process, more information on data access is available in step 3: Project Conduct
An overview of the information collected at the Raine Study follow-ups and the questionnaires and coding guides for the follow-up are available below:
- Gen2_Complete Questionnaire Variable List_20230913
- Gen2_Physical_Clinical Assessment Variable List_20230719
- Gen2_Biological Measurements Variable List_20230713
- Gen2_Diet Variable List_20230824
- Gen2_Derived Longitudinal Measures Variable List_20230713
- Gen2_Data Linkage Variable List_20210512
- Gen1_Gen2 Antenatal Variable List_20210512
- Gen1_26 Complete Variable List_20230713
- Gen2-27_FFQ_V3.2
- Gen2-27_Main_Questionnaire_CodingVersion_20201209
- Gen2-27_LB MRI_Questionnaire V2_CodingVersion
- Gen2-27_FFQ_V3.3_SampleQuestionnaire
- Gen2-27_Drinks_Caffeine_Questionnaire_CodingVersion_20201209
- Gen2-27_TiBs_Questionnaire_CodingVersion_20201209
- Gen2-27_Physical_Assessment_CodingVersion_20201209
- Gen1-26_MainQuestionnaire_Coding-Version_20201208
- Gen1-26_EyeExamination_Coding-Version_20201208
- Gen1-26_CSS-SleepQuestionnaire_Coding-Version_20201208
- Gen1-26_SleepDiary_Coding-Version_20201208
- Gen1-26_SleepQuestionnaire_Online_Coding-Version_20201208
- Gen1-26_PhysicalAssessment_Coding-Version_20201208
- Gen2-20_MedicalQuestionnaire_CodingVersion_20201208
- Gen2-20_MainQuestionnaire_CodingVersion_20201208
- Gen2-20_FFQ_Questionnaire_CodingVersion_20201001
- Gen2-20_ThinnkingQuestionnaire_CodingVersion_20201001
- Gen2-20_PhysicalAssessment_LEI_CodingVersion_20201208
- Gen2-20_Physical Assessment_DEXA_CodingVersion_20201001
- Gen2-17_PrimaryCaregiverQuestionnaire_CodingVersion_20210113
- Gen2-17_GIRLS_OnlineQuestionnaire_CodingVersion_20210303
- Gen2-17-BOYS_OnlineQuestionnaire_CodingVersion_20210303
- Gen2-17_TeenQuestionnaire_CodingVersion_20210406
- Gen2-17_TeenMedicalHistoryQuestionnaire_CodingVersion
- Gen2-17_SecondaryCaregiverQuestionnaire_CodingVersion_20210202
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