Our Research - The Raine Study

Frequently Asked Questions

For Researchers

Start by familiarising yourself with the Researcher Engagement Policy (REP). Access REP here. It contains crucial information on principles, conditions, and rules guiding your interaction with our study resources as well as providing proposed costs associated with utilising the Raine Study data. This document is a ‘live document’ and will be reviewed regularly and updated as required.

Then visit the Project Application Process guide to navigate through the project application and approval process.

Visit the Project Application Process guide to navigate through the project application and approval process.  This will involve submitting a project application in ROSS.

All projects require approval from the Raine Study; this includes student projects, grant applications, and research proposals.

If unsure please contact the Raine Study Science team

Prior to grant/fellowship applications are submitted to the funding body, projects must have a provisional approval by the Raine Study. Utilise our Project Application Process page to navigate and advance through the necessary steps.

For grant applications requiring an Expression of Interest (EoI) to the funding bodies  please contact the Raine Study to discuss the project idea as part of the pre-application process. A project application in ROSS is only required when the EOI moves into a full grant application stage.

The Raine Study serves as the data custodian and, therefore, cannot directly provide supervision to students. However, we can facilitate connections between students and the Raine Study researchers who may offer supervision or assistance with research projects. Explore the Special Interest Group (SIG) page for details on research areas and SIG leaders and contact the Raine Study Science team for more information.

Engaging participants is crucial for the Raine Study, and it’s now a key requirement for major grant applications. If you want participant feedback in the early stages of your research project, view our Cohort Consultations page and reach out to our Participant Engagement team.

Curation and access fees varies depending on the type of project application,  specific data and/or bio-samples you access and whether you are part of a UJV financial partner organisation or institutional associate member organisation (i.e. our financial partners).

Utilise our Project Costing page to obtain information regarding data access and curation fees.

Every project utilising the Raine Study data undergoes review and approval process which takes on average 6-8 weeks.

Utilise our Project Application Process page to navigate and advance through the project application steps.

Once the project is approved by the Raine Study and by a Human Research Ethics Committee, you can then apply for data and/or bio-samples access. The time of data extraction varies according to the amount and type of data requested.

The Raine Study gathered data from our families for 30 years, focusing on mothers during early pregnancy (Gen1) and children born into the study (Gen2). Recently, data from Gen2 grandparents (Gen0) and Gen2 offspring (Gen3) was also collected, including questionnaires, clinical assessments, and biological samples.

Detailed information on the available data can be accessed here.

Begin the process of applying for data and/or biosamples by following the Project Application Process guide.

Data access involves submitting a data access request via the ROSS.

Approved requests undergo data extraction, with timing varying based on the requested data.

If unsure please contact the Raine Study Science team

Approval from the Raine Study must be obtained prior to submitting a manuscript to a journal, via a Manuscript Submission (MS) in ROSS. A copy of the manuscript ready for submission is required as part of the MS. Manuscripts will be checked for similarity/plagiarism, potential negative impact on the cohort, appropriate nomenclature, and acknowledgements. For more information visit step 4. Project Reporting

All researcher publishing manuscripts that used the Raine Study resources need to acknowledge the Raine Study participants, staff and funding sources. Follow our guidelines on step 4. Project Reporting page.

Contact the Raine Study Science team for assistance in connecting with experienced researchers from the Raine Study to support your application.

Explore our Special Interest Group (SIG) leaders, each with expertise in one of the 14 research areas covered by the study.

Resources are available on the Commonly Used Resources page.

Additional resources

For more information, please contact the Raine Study.

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