Raine Online Submission System – ROSS

The Raine Online Submission System (ROSS) is your essential tool for managing research projects within the Raine Study. It serves as the exclusive platform for researchers to submit project applications, granting them access to utilise the valuable data and bio-samples provided by the Raine Study.

By accessing ROSS and submitting a project, you are indicating that you have read and agreed to the Raine Study’s Researcher Engagement Policy (REP). Access the REP here.

Access ROSS here:

Key Features of ROSS:

Community Project Section: Explore all approved projects in ROSS, serving as examples and ensuring alignment with existing initiatives, and minimising project overlap.

Application Submission: ROSS is the mandatory starting point for researchers wanting to utilise Raine Study data. All project applications must undergo submission through ROSS.

Feedback Mechanism: Receive valuable feedback from both the Scientific Management Committee  and Scientific Review Committee specific to each project application.

Data and Bio-samples Requests: Utilise ROSS to formally request access to data and bio-samples, streamlining the process and ensuring compliance with established protocols

Manuscript Submission: All manuscripts must be submitted through ROSS, for review and approval by the Raine Study before they are submitted to their selected journal.

A ROSS account is set up by lead investigators during the pre-application process.

Project Application Templates

The following Word templates  are  useful for researchers to circulate drafts among co-investigators in the pre-application stage before filling out the information in ROSS and submitting the final version:

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